In the wild.png

RootLab Pet Food

All aboard the future of pet food!

RootLab is an innovative, sustainable pet food brand that uses alternative protein sources to offer a complete nutrition package to dogs and peace of mind to eco-conscious dog owners. With ingredients like cricket and the invasive Asian carp, RootLab wanted to educate and engage environmentally-minded urban consumers in their natural habit.

Thus, my creative team developed this series of ads for display on the L train in Chicago. With witty, slang-driven copy and bright colors, we aimed to break through the clutter and introduce public transit riders to a pet food brand worth believing in.

Ceiling Ads

Ceiling Ads

Interior Square Ads

Interior Square Ads

Interior Wide Ads

Interior Wide Ads

My ads found in the wild

My ads found in the wild

More of my ads found in the wild

More of my ads found in the wild