

You might think I chose to use this photo because of the awards, but it's actually because I think my hair looks great. I'm not proud, just vain.

You might think I chose to use this photo because of the awards, but it's actually because I think my hair looks great. I'm not proud, just vain.

If the pen is mightier than the sword, smartphones and laptops have nuclear potential.

Hi. I’m Zach Sullentrup, a writer and musician from St. Louis. I used to think words have the power to change the world. Now, I'd mostly like to stop them from destroying it. As a writer, my focus is delivering impactful ideas that are written well but created for good. We could all afford to be a bit more compassionate, inclusive, and clever in our words and actions—so how can I speak truth for you?

My resume can be found here.